Paisley Prints in Various Styles and Colors
#1 Paisley Prism - Paisley in colors of orange, pink, lavender, lime, turquoise, and tan on cream background. This has a 1960’s feel to me. Lined with beige; purple straps [SOLD]
#2 Paisley Prism - Paisley in colors of orange, pink, lavender, lime, turquoise, and tan on cream background. This has a 1960’s feel to me. Lined with beige; turquoise straps [sold]
#3 Paisley Pizzazz - Red, pale blue, navy, and tan paisley. Navy lining; navy straps [sold]
#4 Paisley Pizzazz- Red, pale blue, navy, and tan paisley. Tan lining; navy straps [sold]
#5 Multi-Color Paisley - Red, yellow, navy, lavender, turquoise, and white paisley pattern. Lined with navy; lavender straps
#6 Paisley Puzzle - Grey, beige, tan, beige, pale blue, and pale turquoise paisley on cream. Lined with dark grey; grey straps [sold]
#7 Paisley Puzzle - Grey, beige, tan, beige, pale blue, and pale turquoise paisley on cream. Lined with cream denim; pale blue straps
#8 Autumn Leaf Paisley - (might be called a Jacobean pattern) Autumn colors of paprika, olive green, coral, beige, cream, black, and more. Looks way better in real life than in the photo. Paprika lining; olive straps (5652) [sold]
#9 Red Paisley - Paisley on red background. Cream lining; gold straps (5655) [sold]
#10 Red Paisley - Paisley on red background. Tan lining; tan straps (5656) [sold]
#11 Brocade - Red, gold, and multi-color. Cornstalk (dark beige) lining; dark red nylon straps. Absolutely stunning. This is a designer fabric, and content and recommended cleaning instructions are not known. Upholstery and drapery fabric frequently recommend spot cleaning, which would imply that dry cleaning is also appropriate (7125) [sold]