1 Modern flowers, including Roses and Tulips, in shades of blue, yellow, green, and white on pale blue background
#1A Yellow lining; chartreuse straps (5717 and 5719 two identical) [one sold]
#1B Pale blue denim lining; royal blue straps (5718) [on consignment]
#2 Flowers on Black Polished Cotton. Multi-color stylized flowers in shades of pink, red, blue, purple, yellow, green, and white on black background; polished cotton. The print reminds me of flowers on English china.
#2A Lining is burgundy brushed denim with 2 inch top border of Ventana Blue Grey; Black nylon straps. (7485 & 7486) [on consignment]
#2B Bottom of the outside is Ventana deep purple; Lining is bluish green polished cotton with tone-on-tone small dots; Lavender nylon straps. (7487) [sold]
#3 Magnolia & Blossom. The description from manufacturer Sanderson says “Creating the feeling of being emerged in a fantasy garden, this large-scale 100% linen fabric features magnolia flowers, cherry blossom, and wisteria. Brightly colored birds and bumblebees give the design flashes of color.” The color is called amethyst / silver, and the background is very pale grey; lined with solid pale lilac; lavender nylon straps. This decorator fabric retailed for $232 / yard. Cleaning instructions are to dry clean, but I think it should be washable on delicate and dryable on delicate if removed while still damp. (8328 & 8329) [sold]
#4 Floral Brocade. Brocade fabric (almost tapestry weight) with woven floral pattern of paprika and gold flowers in varied sizes and shapes with olive leaves on background of palest gold; lined with solid sage green; golden beige nylon straps. The photos don't do this justice; much prettier in real life.
#4 A. no paprika trim (8383) [sold]
#4 B. approximate 2 1/4 inch middle strip on one outside panel that is solid paprika color fabric with a textured weave (8405 & 8406) [sold]
#4C. approximate one-inch bottom border and bottom of outside is solid paprika color fabric with a textured weave (8404) [SOLD]
Floral Brocade is a designer fabric from FabMo, and content and recommended cleaning instructions are not known. Upholstery and drapery fabric frequently recommend spot cleaning, which would imply that dry cleaning is also appropriate.